I have been a licensed radio ham since 1982 when I sat and passed my City & Guilds exam in the UK.
I held the callsign G6RFB and got my first 2 meter radio which was a Yaesu FT480R 2M FM with SSB operation which I used as a base station and mobile. Later in 1992 after passing my CW exam in S.A. I changed my call to G0RSJ.
I left the UK in 1984 and immigrated to South Africa.
After arriving in S.A. I applied for my SA callsign and was issued a restricted callsign ZR6RR until I passed my CW exam in Johannesburg in 1992 to a class A license and changed my callsign to ZS6RJ.
My first HF radio was a Icom IC735, with a Mosley TA33 antenna on a 40 foot tilt over tower. I no longer have the callsign ZS6RJ but held that call from 1992 to 2001
After spening 17 years in SA I immigrated to New Zealand in 2001.
After arriving in New Zealand in January 2001. Shortly after arrival, I applied for my NZ callsign ZL1RJS and later applied for ZL3RS on 15th August 2022 once the call became avaliable but, I took a break from amateur radio when we first arrived in NZ. mainly as we were in a rental property, but soon got the bug again in 2010 when we moved to Papakura and joined the Papakura Radio Club, branch 65. The link above gives all the info on where to find us and contacts/nets, the address is 1 Wellington Park, Papakura, should you wish to find out more about the Papakura Radio Cub. The link above does not show the correct address to find the club, but that has been reported to the NZART as it is their website link.
Over the years, I have collected several vintage HF radio's, Yaesu FT101, FT-101E and FT101ZD. My later HF radio's are the Yaesu FT-450D, Icom IC-7300 and 2M, 70cm and 23cm Icom IC-9700 base station.
The HF antenna is a Diamond CP6 vertical for 6m,10m.15m,20m,40m, and 80 meter bands and a vertical Comet CP9 dual band for VHF & UHF.
Thank you for visiting my website. I can be contacted by clicking on my mail-to link below or via qrz.com under either of my New Zealand callsigns.
© 2024 ~ ZL1RJS